And now, a part of the continuing saga of getting a PMBAR attitude.

Somehow the group ride ended up KING SIZED. Big fun though as there was a whole crowd from the Atlanta area up in Pisgah and some locals I didn't know as well to make a group of 12 or so. Started from the Hatchery, debated the route after we started and decided on: up Cove Creek, 229, Daniel Ridge (CCW), 477, 5095, Long Branch, Cemetery, Gloucester. There the main body of the group went 471 to Butter and back to the Hatchery via Cat Gap.
The hard core fools took me up on my plan to ride 5003 (Panther Branch), 140A, 5031 (Kissee), 140. The original plan was to hit Summey Cove but a rash of flats on Kissee ended that, and a massive hunger outbreak took the group home via 140A and from Gloucester straight down 477 to the Hatchery. Still managed 35 miles and 4.5k of climb.

I love Kissee, here's a bog Theo and I found back in December while riding together. Upland bogs are actually rather rare. This one is from a spring coming up out of the ground in a small depression. It makes numerous pools before going underground and emerging on the other side of the old roadbed. There's a cool rock outcropping here too.