The MoonPie rises! Long live the MoonPie! Not just any MoonPie will suffice to be the official snack food @ Farlow Gap on night one of The Most Horrible Thing Ever (TMHTE) only the ones with Stardust Sprinkles will do. So I volunteered to mind the gap, this one

Theo and I headed out to Farlow early in the day to get everything setup. Here's Theo sampling the snacks (quality control you know) before the sunset.

We had a great time hanging out at the fire and chatting up the racers as they passed. A few stopped and partook of the snacks while many opted for the to go option and we stuffed a few pies in their packs for the ride down Kissee Creek to Courthouse Falls. All in all it was worth the effort to get everything packed in and packed out. We were really lucky with the weather, just a few days earlier this is what it looked like on the trail @ Farlow.

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